
'Rocketman' Shines a Light on Elton John's Ex-Wife and Fiances

'Rocketman' revealed that Elton John was once married to a woman. But who was she and where is she now? Plus, she's not the first woman Elton was engaged to... If you haven't yet seen Rocketman, Elton John's new biopic, we strongly recommend you do that right now. It's an incredibly entertaining film that tells

12 Historical Figures Who Were Portrayed by Different Actors, and We Cant Decide Who Did It Bette

Every actor has their own unique acting style, sothe same character may look totally different when played bydifferent actors. Thanks totheir efforts, alegendary king, for example, may become amasculine macho-man orafearful scoundrel. Wefound 12historical figures who were played bydifferent actors, and now wecant decide whose interpretation was better.

14 Legendary Photos Proving Tom Hardys Love for Dogs Is Better Than Your Fairytale Romance

Warmth toward animals always adds 100 bonus points when itcomes tomen. Tom Hardy may beknown for his brutal characters, but theres much more tohim than just atough actor. Hes sharing his huge passion for dogs with the world, soifyoure also adog lover, take alook atthese 14pics that are soaked inmutual admiration and you will surely

5 ways to get a six-pack

Here are five things to do for a ripped stomach or six pack abs. 1. Diet is important For a ripped body, you have to watch what you eat like a hawk. Firstly, all processed foods like biscuits, instant noodles, cookies and the rest need to go.

Alexx Ekubo brands Chioma Akpotha and Omoni Oboli 'Heroes of Democracy'

Moving on to Oboli, the actor brands her as one of the most consistent people in every election cycle and also reveals that Omoni flew all the way from Canada in order to exercise her voting rights.