News anchor walks out on live show in protest of Kylie's birthday coverage

Posted by Jenniffer Sheldon on Tuesday, September 24, 2024

News Anchor John Brown said, 'I'm having a good Friday, so I refuse to talk about the Kardashians!' before walking out on air, leaving his co-host, Amy Kaufeldt, by herself on the couch of the Good Day Orlando show on Fox.

Amy was left to carry on the rest of the show.


The surprise storm-out came after the news anchors invited radio host and broadcast guest, Jenny Castillo, to discuss the Kardashians news.

She attempted to calm the furious anchor down, asking him,

'How would you like it if your daughter named her pet John? That's exactly what Kylie Jenner did.'

However, Brown retorted, saying:  'I don't care about this family. I'm sick of this family. It's a nonstory! Nobody cares about this family anymore! You are on your own, Amy. I can't do it, I've had enough Kardashians! I can't take any more Kardashian stories on this show!'

A replacement anchor was quickly found to join Ms Kaufeldt as the Good Day Orlando team attempted to calm down a fuming Brown.


The news anchor later posted a video of the incident on Facebook along with an apology, although he admitted he felt better for having done it.

He said: 'Sorry, I lost my mind a bit, although it was partially in jest! I did feel better though after I was done.'

The footage has since gone viral with many backing the news anchor's decision to walk out over the 'nonstory.'

See Pulse video.
